ITE Framework Report

About the output: a word from the coordinating researcher Mario Vötsch

Mario Vötsch, lecturer at the University College of Teacher Education Tyrol, tells us about how Entrepreneurial Education can be integrated in teachers’ education and about his Initial Teacher Education Framework.

PIETE ITE Framework report allows for a coherent mapping of actors, artefacts, and practices involved in the pre-service teacher training within education systems. As such, the framework provides a basis to understand the functionality of Teacher Training Center (TTCs) in terms of institutional circumstances, curricular focus, and responsibilities of educators involved in ISCED 3-4 teacher development. By raising awareness for given necessities within and capacities of Initial Teacher Education (ITE), the framework allows to identify areas in which elements of Entrepreneurship Education (EE) – as understood under the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp) – can be most efficiently and suitably integrated.

Initial Teacher Education Framework Report (EN)

Initial Teacher Education Framework Report (DE)

ITE Country Cases


Austria report_cover

English Report

German Report


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English Report

Polish Report


ITE case_poland_cover

English Report

Hungarian Report