PIETE Discussion Paper

PIETE Discussion Paper

About the output: a word from the coordinating researcher Maciej Mitręga, lecturer at the University of Economics in Katowice in Poland. Maciej tells us about PIETE Discussion Paper and the role of his institution in assessing teachers’ perception of Entrepreneurial Education.


…the manuscript presents meaningful propositions about how research results may be utilized in practice from the perspective of authorities at various levels, e.g. at universities and EU institutions, and ITE educators themselves.

Anna Tarabasz, PhD., Associate Professor of Marketing
S P Jain School of Global Management

The Discussion paper: Entrepreneurial education among ITE teachers in the EU – insights from Austria, Hungary and Poland

A field study was conducted in three EU countries (Austria, Hungary and Poland) to identify ITE educators’ conceptional perception of EE, and the relevance of chosen components of the so-called EntreComp framework (i.e. competencies defined in EntreComp) within their work and their institutional environment. The paper presents how entrepreneurship is defined nowadays, the position of entrepreneurial education in prior research, the objectives, methodology and results of our primary research and a discussion of the survey results together with limitations and suggestions for further research.

The database used for the Discussion Paper can be downloaded below.

This work is a very thorough and well-researched discussion article, which shows the importance of studying this area to produce further development directions for EE policy and practice in the EU.

Malgorzata Grzegorczyk, Senior Lecturer
Nottingham Trent University