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PIETE EE Capacity Building Compilation

The Entrepreneurial Education Capacity Building Compilation provides guidance to Initial Teacher Education (ITE) institutions which are committed to foster the teaching of entrepreneurship competences as part of their training through a series of workshops.

Workshop type 1: General Awareness and Brainstorming

Workshop type 1 is suited to take the first step in the EE awareness raising process where the participants have almost no previous knowledge about entrepreneurship education. Apart from explaining and discussing what EE is about in general (wide and narrow EE understanding), it also comprises entry level brainstorming sessions to identify potential barriers and opportunities for EE within the specific initial teacher education context.

STEP1: Warm-Up

Ask yourself:
– What is entrepreneurship to me?
– How does my understanding of EE differ from my peers?
– presentation of narrow and wide EE understandings
– How entrepreneurial are you?

Time constraint: 10 minutes

STEP2: EE Self-Reflection

Discuss openly:
– Why do you think/not think of yourself as an entrepreneurial person?
– What is good/not good about about being entrepreneurial?
– How would you like to be?

Time constraint: 10 minutes

STEP 3: Embed EE into ITE

Work in groups:
– Collect ideas
– Elaborate on ideas in groups
– Sum-uo ideas & present to other groups

Time constraint: 1 hour

STEP 4: Moderate Summary

Draw conclusions:
– Summarise main results & lessons learnt
– Highlight benefits of follow up workshops to detail discussion on how t oembed EE into ITE
– Provide an outlook for workshop 2

Time constraint: 10 minutes

Workshop type 2: Focussed Discussion and Elaboration

Workshop type 2 is suited for the second step in the awareness raising process where participants already have some previous knowledge about entrepreneurship education. The goal is to provide a more detailed and in-depth overview about entrepreneurship competences and show how entrepreneurship can be implemented into ITE. It also aims to unfold the already existing entrepreneurship competence elements in the ITEcurriculum while shedding light to the missing parts

STEP1: Warm-Up

Ask yourself:
– What is EE for you?
– Describe teacher with an entrepreneurial mindset.
– Discuss findings with within your group.

Time constraint: 10 minutes

STEP2: Intro to EntreComp

EU framework introduction:
– (the moderator) introduces EntreComp including 3 competence areas and underlying the 15 competences.
– Q&A session to ensure that participants fully understand EntreComp.

Time constraint: 30 minutes

STEP 3 & 4: EE into ITE

Work in groups:
– Find existing EE elements in ITE & check which EE elements can be embedded into ITE.
– Which EE elements are desired for specific EE context?
– Show good practice and find incentives to embed EE.

Time constraint: 2 hours

STEP 4: Moderate Summary

Draw conclusions:
– Summarise main results & lessons learnt
– Highlight benefits of follow up workshops to detail discussion on how t oembed EE into ITE
– Provide an outlook for the next steps to take.

Time constraint: 10 minutes

Institutional Experiences

The PIETE Capacity Building Compilation

About the output: a word from the coordinating researcher Szabolcs Pronay

PIETE Capacity Building Compilation

PIETE Capacity Building Compilation in PL, DE & HU