PIETE consortium is excited to share two new intellectual outputs of the project. These intellectual outputs are the first comers of the project, and in this light, we are thrilled to present you the results of the hard work accomplished by the project partners. These results include the PIETE Initial Teacher Education Methodological Framework and the PIETE Online Survey Instrument.
PIETE Initial Teacher Education Methodological Framework
PIETE Initial Teacher Education (ITE) methodological framework allows a coherent mapping of actors, artefacts and practices involved in the pre-service teacher training within education systems. Thus, the framework makes it possible to understand the functionality of Teacher Training Centers in terms of institutional circumstances, curricular focus and responsibilities of educators involved in ISCED 3-4 (Upper secondary education and post-secondary non-tertiary education) teacher development. It helps identifying areas in which elements of Entrepreneurship Education (EE) – as understood under the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp) – can be most efficiently integrated.
This framework aims to be easily applicable to different national or regional contexts. Its functionality will be showcased by applying it into the educational contexts of PIETE partner institutions in Austria, Poland, and Hungary. The cases will be presented as separate reports in the respective national languages and English.
PIETE Online Survey Instrument – Understanding of Entrepreneurship Education in Initial Teacher Education
PIETE Awareness Test Center (survey) provides the means to assess conceptual and terminological EE understanding of ITE educators. This knowledge is considered crucial for the overall aim of PIETE – foster EE within ITE. The survey will also serve as the main data collection instrument for PIETE Discussion Paper. You can access the survey in 4 languages (English, German, Polish and Hungarian) online on our website. The offline version is possible to get via contacting the PIETE project leader as well as the coordinator of this project output, Florian Bratzke ().
Are you an initial teacher educator? We would love to hear from you! We already started collecting the data for our discussion paper, and would like to invite you to participate in the survey! Your data will be used for statistical purposes only and will remain anonymous. Please find the survey at www.entrepreneurialteachers.eu